Author Archives: Kian MCW

How to sign up a player account under my affiliate account

How to sign up a player account under my affiliate account

The process of Sign up an account under the MCW affiliate program is attracting the attention of many agents. Registration is simple and with just a few steps, you can successfully complete it. MCW Affiliate always supports its customers and partners in performing quick and easy registration procedures. Let’s follow the process Sign up a […]

How to track your player performance

Tracking the performance of MCW players as an agent helps to evaluate whether the current strategy is effective. Checking user metrics provides the agent with crucial information. Tracking user activities when participating in the MCW Affiliate program is extremely necessary. MCW Affiliate allows you to easily track your player performance in the most detailed way. […]

Calculating Commissions in the MCW Affiliate Program

Calculating Commissions in the MCW Affiliate Program

The MCW Affiliate program offers the most attractive commissions in the market for agents. The detailed guide on how to calculate MCW commissions can help you estimate your income. MCW Affiliate offers numerous promotional programs for agents to significantly increase your income. Next, we will explore in detail how to calculate the commissions of the […]